Monday, July 18, 2011

Chores Are Getting Done Even Though.....

The chores are getting done even though it's been hot and humid here for several weeks. I will have to say the temps didn't get past 79 yesterday but it was still very humid. The skies have been cloudy for several days and that's helped keep the temps down some but starting tomorrow they're supposed to get back up to 98.

We have picked figs two days and I've got them in the freezer for later making of preserves. I'll wait until the temps drop some and William is back in school then I will get busy canning the preserves. YUM, YUM....homemade fig preserves!!!!!

We have gotten the rose bed weeded as well as the hosta bed. No weeds in either of them for now. The Red Dynomite Crepe Myrtle is transplanted and plans are to get the Natchez transplanted tomorrow. We put the red one where we can see it from the living room window. It is such a beautiful color!

Tomorrow I'm planning to prune the roses and give them some fertilizer. Maybe they will reward us with another flush of blooms. Then I will give them another trimming in September and get blooms until frost.

Also tomorrow I plan to move the turkeys and guineas into the larger brooder. The turkeys are flying up on the little roost in their brooder and when we lift the top of the brooder they try to fly out. We lost one of our young pullets like that so I want to move the turkeys before one of them escapes and we'll only have four.

Also, in the morning I have to check the green beans and the peppers need gathered. I wish I knew someone who would like to have some Cayenne peppers and some Jalapeno pepper too. We are overrun with these two and the others aren't doing too much producing. I'd love to have lots of the bell peppers to put in the freezer to use this winter but so far they're refusing to cooperate. Maybe the new plants will give us plenty to use this winter. Also, the new plants are red and yellow peppers. That should look pretty in stews.

Today has been a busy day and tomorrow is looking to be busy also. I'm ready for a good nap. Thank you for dropping by. Come again any time. :)

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