Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Garden Is Planted!!!!!

My husband has been so faithful to help me when I need help. This spring has been a time when I really needed help. I had an accident in my kitchen on March 28th. I slipped and fell by the stove and pulled a large pot of boiling red beans off on me. I had second degree burns on my abdomen, right and left thighs and upper left arm. I'm getting around but still not able to get outside to work in the garden.

William has planted the cucumbers, squash, zucchini and green beans. The cucumbers are coming up. We had tomatoes out for several weeks before the accident. They are getting ready to start blooming.

We still have to put out the peppers and some more herbs. That is going to be the extent of our garden this year.

William has also been taking care of all the animals. We had sixteen baby chicks hatch while I was in the burn center. One of the young ladies that I babysat when she was small took care of the chicks for us. She did a great job!!!! Thank you Trinity.

William has an incubator full of goose and duck eggs going now. He has all the rabbits bred. He's turning into quite a farmer. :) Thank you William.

We got a nice rain today. It rained most of the day. No storming just a good, slow rain. Just what we need for the garden so those vegetables will pop right on up and we'll get to enjoy them soon.

That's all the news from Hunny Bunny Haven for now. I hope you all will come back soon.