Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Early Morning Gardening

The temps have been cooler the last few mornings so it's been easier to get outside to work. This morning I hoed and fertilized the yellow squash, zucchini, peppers and tomatoes. Then I planted a four foot by twenty foot bed of bush green beans. AND then it RAINED!!!! Perfect timing.

We still have another bed to get ready to plant more green beans. I'm hoping that we will have fresh beans until frost and that I'll have enough to put more in the freezer or can some of them.

When the rain stops I need to gather the peppers. Sure wish I knew someone who would take these peppers. I've already put some bell peppers in the freezer and canned jalapeno and cayenne peppers. We don't need anymore pickled hot peppers but I guess I will can them because I don't want them to waste.

There you have it! All the exciting news from Hunny Bunny Haven. :)

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